Uninstall/Install manually Google Chrome

Sometimes, further to a problem, an automatic uninstall process of Chrome is not efficient. In that case, you will need to proceed with a manual uninstall. Here are the steps you can use to perform a safe reinstallation:

  1. Perform a Google Chrome uninstall as explained right here: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95319?hl=en
  2. Create a new Chrome user profile: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/142059?hl=en
  3. Download file remove.zip (right click – Save as), save it on your desktop, unzip it and execute the remove.reg file to remove any Google Chrome entries in your Windows registry (you will probably need administrator rights for this step)
  4. Once you’ve performed all these steps, you can perform a fresh install of Google Chrome from the official website: https://www.google.com/chrome

You can now start again your favorite browser, and reconfigure it as you want (or simply connect to your Google Account and let the synchronization do it by itself …) !


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