As you certainly know, it’s possible to easily integrate a Google Agenda to your website by using the steps described in Google support:
When you are integrating the agenda, several parameters can be configured directly using the graphical interface available through Google Agenda. But sometimes it can happen that some options are not available using GUI (like display mode or the ability to display an agenda using specific dates).
You will find here a brief summary of what parameters can be used for Agenda integration on a website:
Parameter |
Description |
Values |
showTitle | Show title | 1/0 to display or not |
showNav | Show navigation buttons | 1/0 to display or not |
showDate | Show date | 1/0 to display or not |
showPrint | Show print icons | 1/0 to display or not |
showTabs | Show tabs | 1/0 to display or not |
showCalendars | Show agendas list | 1/0 to display or not |
showTz | Show used timezone | 1/0 to display or not |
mode | Display mode | WEEK/MONTH/AGENDA |
wkst | Week starting | 1 (Sunday) to 7 (saturday) |
bgcolor | Background color | HTML Color Code |
color | Agenda color | HTML Color Code |
ctz | Timezone used | Timezone name |
dates | Dates to display | Dates to use (e.g. 20141110/20141116) |
One these parameters known, you just have to configure your URL as wished by using the previous configuration options.
For example, if you’d like to integrate the France public holidays in “Week” mode for the week of November 11th, you could use: