Tips and tricks
FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standard) can be enabled (by default or not) on linux kernels to enable the FIPS kernel cryptographic features.But in some case, this can also lead to some issues with openssl, or any cryptographic tool that you…
If you try to mount an ISO file (like a Linux distribution) on MacOS and you get that weird error saying “No mountable file systems“: Then, you can easily find a workaround by using CLI. And now, the content of…
Mac OS X is automatically creating .DS_Store file as soon as you’re working on some network drives. This is used to store some custom attributes. If you want to prevent the OS to create those files automatically, follow the steps…
When analyzing the output of a bash script, it can be useful to prepend timestamp before each line to see how long it’s taking to do a specific action. For this, you can use the ‘ts‘ command: # echo -e…
Seeing that error in HTTPd/Apache logs when trying to GET some pages? (13)Permission denied: [client xxxxx]: access to /html/myfile.html denied because search permissions are missing on a component of the path This is because of some SELinux policies blocking the…
When updating or installing a package on a Debian-based distribution, you can face that alert: W: GPG error: trusty Release: The following signatures couldn’t be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY C2518248EEA14886 This just means that…
The PKCS12 format is replacing the old PFX format from Microsoft. This format will allow storage of X.509 private keys and the associated public certificates in a single encrypted file. So you can extract the key and the certificate in…
When doing update on a Debian/Ubuntu server, if a package is trying to modify a config file, it’s asking for a manual choice. If you’re trying to try to automate the process, you’d probably like to get rid of that…
There is no way to easily automate deployment of Oracle JRE since there is no official repository for most of the linux distros. But there’s still a workaround to automatically download the JRE and install it locally on a server…
Forgot your SSH key passphrase? There’s an easy way to renew it locally if you have access to it: ssh-keygen -p -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa And then, enter the new passphrase you want to use.